Don't let others decide what you can and cannot do!

For years I worked where I was always told that I needed qualifications in writing if I ever wanted to elevate to a higher position within the organisation. However, I continued to be responsible for writing within my daily tasks.
After many years I had convinced myself that I wasn't a good writer. Believing that I would need qualifications if I ever wanted to get anywhere, and why wouldn't I think that after hearing it for so long.
It wasn't until 2019 when a friend knocked on my door and asked me to write for them, that I realised I could, in fact, write and have flourished ever since.
Not long after I started writing for her, I joined Airtasker. At first, I only offered to do data entering and spreadsheets, that soon changed into offering my services to write web content and blogs.
I have continued to write, with each and every client being delighted with what I have presented.
Between July and September, I have written one million words.