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Mother to 5 Sons

Blogging about sons
These are my sons

I spoke about the heartaches before, and some of them have tested me, it has been difficult at times to know how to react and what is the best way for me to teach them. There are no rule books, and I have made mistakes along away, wishing that I could turn back the clock and change how I reacted - but there is no rewind on raising kids and honestly who knows if backpedaling would have changed anything anyway. But as parents, we always find fault and wonder if we could have done better.

I am the mother of 5 glorious sons. Each of them has a unique character, but they also share some similarities. I cannot begin to tell you how much joy they have brought me since their birth, oh and how much heartache.

I have often heard through the years that giving birth is something a mother forgets, that is why we go back again. I think there is something to that saying - we never really forget the birthing, we visually remember it, but we won't remember the pain until we are back in that birthing suite.

I think it is because of what we get in return, a product of ourselves, a product of love, someone to nurture and adore.

You forget about the fact that you actually would have liked a girl but here comes another boy!

At the 20 week mark, I would head off for the scan to find out if it was a boy or a girl. They would gleefully say to me, Mrs Stoneman you are having a little boy. I would cry, but at least I would have 20 weeks to get over it.

I joke about the fact that I wanted a girl and ended up with five sons but wouldn't swap any of them in reality.

I would often call our house, Testosterone City, and there was never a dull moment. As my boys grow, I see that they are becoming exceptional human beings, and I couldn't be prouder.

I spoke about the heartaches before, and some of them have tested me, it has been difficult at times to know how to react and what is the best way for me to teach them. There are no rule books, and I have made mistakes along away, wishing that I could turn back the clock and change how I reacted - but there is no rewind on raising kids and honestly who knows if backpedalling would have changed anything anyway. But as parents, we always find fault and wonder if we could have done better.

With my eldest about to turn twenty-seven in December and my youngest being twelve and a half - I guess you could say that I am an experienced teacher, mentor, financial institution and negotiator. I don't have those listed on my resume but guessing that I should.

I will write more about my boys and share with you the hilarious times we have had, the loving times we have had and perhaps some of the heartaches too.

Until next time


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